Tray Arrangements & VIP Gifts
Vegan Tamr Tray
Al-Safinah Bites Tray
An Nasaqan Pralines Tray
Stardust Pralines Box of 4 Trays
Reunion Selection Tray
Mixed Tray: ‘Nuts & Nuts’
Dark Chocolate Dates Tray: ‘The Classic’
Milk Chocolate Tray: Large
Truffles & Caramels: ‘ The Emirati VIP Tray’
By The Stars Reunion Selection Tray
By The Stars Dark Chocolate Dates Tray
Sunset Bowl
Maps Tray
Milk Chocolate Tray
Emirati Collection Tray
Truffles & Caramels Tray: ‘The Emirati’
Spice Route Praline Tray
Dark Chocolate Dates Tray: ‘Nuts & Seeds’
Truffles & Caramels Tray: ‘The Favourites’
Dark Chocolate Dates Tray: ‘The 100%’
Truffles & Caramels Tray: The Master
Mirzam Wooden Tray: Assorted Dates & Truffles
Mirzam Wooden Tray: Assorted Dates
Spice Route Caramel Tray